Whatever you do….


It was an easy decision for us to choose Colossians 3:23 for YPIP. It was the scripture my husband would write on a card and place it on the inside of his hat when he was playing pro-baseball. Before he would pitch in any game it would remind him WHO got him there and WHO he was out there for. So it made perfect sense this would be the one for the ministry! An athlete finding freedom in Christ to play to the best of their ability while knowing the pressures to please man no longer defines them can create a incredible platform for God to get the glory.

But how does this scripture apply to the wife or mom behind the athlete? It says whatever you do…

I have to be honest that dish washing, clothes folding, taxi driving days are long. And I don’t always have the attitude that I’m doing this for the Lord. That leads me straight to the heart of the scripture.

My heart is not very pretty when it isn’t alined with His Word. And I have become painfully aware that my heart sets the tone of the whole house. That feels like a huge responsibility on most days and apart from Him I fail. I love praying for our family but I often forget to pray for myself; instead I spend time asking for forgiveness.

Praying for my own heart today! If their is any other wives or moms out there that need lots of reminders of His grace I wanted you to know you are not alone and because of His grace you are always enough!!!

