“Devote yourself to prayer, being watchful and thankful.” Colossians 4:2

I shared Col. 4:2 with you on Sunday and talked about what the word devote meant. The next word that stood out to me was WATCHFUL in my studying. And my first thoughts were to assume this meant to wait in anticipation for God to hear and answer our prayers. We absolutely should do this, but that is NOT what Paul was talking about in this verse.

Paul was warning the Christians that in prayer we should be WATCHFUL of spiritual drowsiness caused by the attention of this world. I shared this page from my daily devotional because it shares the only way to be WATCHFUL in the way Paul is teaching us. Being in His Word daily will lead us to a prayer life that we were made for.

I always get asked what devotional I use so I am ahead of the game today and sharing with you!!

Devotional- Songs of Jesus: A Year of Daily Devotions in the Psalms by Timothy Keller and I used The Bible Knowledge Commentary to look deeper into what WATCHFUL meant in the verse. Love both of these!