“Kind words are like honey–sweet to the soul and healthy for the body.” Proverbs 16:24


Stop, pop and pray! You remember that saying from when you were little, “If you can’t say anything nice don’t say anything at all?” When it’s one of those games and you’re struggling to not yell something you might regret later, you just grab a blow pop and give yourself time to pray!! A sweet friend taught me this trick and she always has them stocked up in her purse ready to share!

The Bible teaches a lot about our words. They can either stir up anger or they can be life-giving! (Proverbs 15:4 & 18:4) And what comes out of our mouth proceeds from our heart. (Matthew 15:18) 

I encourage you to dig a little deeper in James 3. Verses 7-10… really chew on those. We can not do it on our own strength. We must guard our hearts in His truth and wisdom! When we allow our emotions to pause in those moments. We allow ourselves the time to give our anger to Him. By admitting we don’t have the right words or actions and asking Him for help we are allowing Him to work in our hearts and through our words.