How it all came to be…..I wish I could express every emotion we felt through the highs and lows that we went through the fifteen years of my husband professional baseball career. All I know is that four simple words, You play I pray, sums it up best.  Brian playing to the best of his ability and my continuous prayer for us, were the only two things we learned that we had control over. 


The 2011-2012 season was rough to say the least. It was an emotional roll-a-coaster for our family. I watched Brian give all of himself day in and day out, on and off the field, only to see sometimes it wasn’t enough. That was extremely difficult for me. One of the greatest blessings through this storm was the Lord never failed to encourage me when I would bring it all to Him!


One particular morning I could see the heavy burden Brian was carrying. As he left for the field that day I spent some time on my knees praying for the Lord to renew his strength and give the words to encourage him.


“For those who trust the Lord find new strength.”


I hurried to send him a text to try to just ease his thoughts before the game with everything God had put on my heart. I encouraged him to focus only on what he could do (pitch) and leave the rest in God’s hands.  I reminded him that the all the Lord asks of us is that we bloom where He has planted us. Simply stated,  we do our best with what He has given us. I felt strongly where He had us that year had little to do with baseball. My last words in the long text message said, “for now …You play I pray!”  Brian was so emotionally moved by my words of encouragement that he replied back, “wow I like that. You should put that on a shirt!”


NOT the amazing break through I was looking for…haha!! But he was being serious! He felt I needed to share this message. Brian’s encouragement began many months of praying and journaling about what this four simple words meant to us.  God started to reveal how many women were going through the same  journey. Although I was a baseball wife at the time, I felt so strongly He wanted to use this message to reach all the sports moms that may not know Him yet. He was given me a way to reach other hearts in same way mine was reached!


I’ll admit that riding the roll-a-coaster with my husband was worth every second! And I will also admit that the tough times were just as difficult as the victories were sweet.  Looking back, I’ve realized our hardest times through Brian’s career were the best times that pointed us to the Lord, and as a result, led to the biggest blessings. Through every storm we were covered with a peace and an understanding that only the Lord can give.


“Trust in the Lord with all your heart; and lean not on your own understanding.”

2017 Brian now retired from MLB and coaching our two sons.

My prayer is that these four words serve as a reminder for all of us busy wives and moms to stop and always make time to give our families the best gift you can give them…prayer!


I don’t know about the rest of the country, but It is a tradition in the south to show support for our loved ones by wearing shirts with the names and numbers of our loved ones.  We put signs in our yards, cover our cars with stickers and shoe polish…the list goes on and on!  In that same way, I hope that we can boldly wear our faith and be courageous to encourage other in the power of prayer.  Although the Lord has used our path through Brian’s baseball career to strengthen our faith, I believe that these words apply to every age, every sport, every hobby and every goal that your loved one desires to achieve.  From amateur to professional, piano player to wrestler, these words are an encouragement for every person with a dream and to every loved one who supports that dream.


The scripture I choose for the ministry was the easiest decision to make! Brian kept Colossians 3:23 on a note card in his hat and would read it before every one of his pitching outings. So it was only fitting this would be the one.


“Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for men.” Col.3:23


It helped remind him WHO he was out there playing for and WHO got him there!


Please share any thoughts and or questions with me.  I would love to hear from you and I love to hear your testimonies.  You can email me at  If you are reading this and have never prayed or not sure you know how to pray, please know that your questions, doubts and fears are all safe to share with me!  I have been there and look forward to hearing from you.




Kylie Sanches