His PEACE is BETTER than answers!

This is the only picture I have left from a small Bible that went every where with me in my purse for 12 years. My heart was crushed two years ago when I left it on a flight and never was able to recover it. I just came across this picture that I had taken from it to send to a friend who needed some encouragement at the time. I needed it today!

Our prayers may not get answered how we would like or as fast as we hoped for. But when we are devoted to Him in prayer and repent of our sins, His PEACE always comes. And often His PEACE is a better gift than the answers we are looking for!

This Psalm is one my favorite reminders that He never leaves us! He prepares the way and walks along side us. The peace that comes with knowing this surpasses all our own understanding.

Father, show me my sin that keeps me from your peace. Help me to rid of anything that holds me back from you so that the desires of my heart align with your will for my life. Thank you for this reminder in your Word today! In Jesus’ name, amen.