I wanted to share with you the books I read last year that made the biggest impact. If you are anything like me you begin to abuse your Amazon account at the start of the year to create the new stack of books on your desk you are determined to get through. The books I am sharing with you today are the ones I am so glad I got to in my stack.

The Songs of Jesus: A Year of Daily Devotions in the Psalms – by Timothy Keller

Walking through the Psalms every day with Timothy Keller’s wisdom was refreshing! I learned so much and his prayers at the end of each day were always encouraging. If you are looking for something to help you spend your first minutes of each day in the Word this is a great one to try.

The Daniel Prayer: Prayer That Moves Heaven and Changes Nations – by Anne Graham Lotz

Every year our church begins the new year with a 21 day fast. My husband and I usually try to follow a Daniel Fast. This book was a great read during the fast, but I encourage everyone to read it. If you desire to see a change in your prayer life and in our nation, but you don’t know what your role is in that change this book is for you! I loved how easy it was to read, understand, and apply. I had a hard time putting this one down and go back to my notes in it often. I think I am really trying hard here to tell you to stop reading this and go order it!!

Nothing to Prove: Why We Can Stop Trying So Hard – by Jennie Allen

You are Free: Be Who You Already Are – by Rebekah Lyons

Freefall to Fly: A Breathtaking Journey Toward a Life of Meaning – by Rebekah Lyons 

The titles of these next three may give it away that I was struggling. I started YPIP five years ago with a bold childlike faith because the vision He gave me was so clear I had the courage He would see it through. I learned that praying and journaling about what should be is far easier than living it out. As the momentum grew, big doors began to open for the ministry and for the product line.  With that growth, my fears grew as well. Somewhere along the way I stopped seeing the vision through His eyes and saw it in my own strength. It was easy to believe I wasn’t cut out for the task because I am far from qualified in every way. And although my faith knows He is the one that qualifies me. He is the one that provides the way. My fear was becoming so much louder than my faith. I had this perfect comfortable little plan on how YPIP would grow inside my safe bubble and once I realized there was no room for God to get the glory inside that plan I ran from it. I am going to be completely honest here and admit I even asked Him to give it to someone who deserved it. My fear had turned into guilt. I simply didn’t want to feel it anymore. These three books helped me to start pushing my fears back. I spent the last few months asking for forgiveness and a renewed courage. I joke about it now and call myself Jonah who found the belly of whale not so bad for an entire year.

I was reminded fear is where I first meet Jesus. Fear is what taught me to trust Him.  And fear is where I have felt His presence like never before. These fears I am facing are new to me, but instead of running from them I am choosing to allow Him to help me run with them. It is so easy for me to encourage others past their own fears. Learning to push myself through them has been a huge learning curve.

Ok..back to the books. These two authors are so real and honest about their struggles that I think many of us deal with. It helps to know you are not alone. They both point you back to His TRUTH and who you are in Christ! He has a purpose for each and every one of us. And all He needs is our willingness.

“Not by might nor by power, but by My Spirit” Zechariah 4:6

Uninvited- Living Loved When You Feel Less Than, Left Out, and Lonely- by Lysa Terkeurst

GET THIS BOOK! Every girl should read this! My good friend asked me to co-lead a small group over this study last semester. And I, of course, said yes, but thought to myself I don’t struggle with that topic. LOL!!! Every time I think I don’t need something it’s exactly what I needed. I am an only-child who longs for alone time in a crazy busy household. So being left out and uninvited is ok for me….so I thought. Every chapter brought a new truth I needed to learn about myself. Grab a friend or two and walk through this with them. You will be so glad you did!

Very important side note to my book list…The Bible by far is the best one of all! I pray all the books above point you to it!!

